“The real Jonathan Seagull who lives within us all" - Kvalsvik Fyr - Haugesund - April 2016

Lorsque je travaillais cette photo, j’ai pensé à cette phrase:
"À ce Jonathan le Goéland qui sommeille en chacun de nous"
Cette phrase que Richard Bach a écrite en introduction à son livre "Jonathan Livingston le goéland" (1970).

When I was editing this picture, I  thought of this sentence:
"The real Jonathan Seagull who lives within us all"
The sentence Richard Bach used to intruduce his book “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”.

Da jeg redigerte dette bildet, tenkte jeg på denne setningen:
"Den egentlige Jonathan Seagull lever i oss alle".
Denne setningen brukte Richard Bach da han introduserte boken "Jonathan Livingston Seagull".

1 comment

  1. This picture and this place calmes me down and makes me think. It pleases me and relaxes me <3


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